
Run for the Ta-Tas

5K Chaser Race

Saturday, Oct 4th 2025

This is a fast and flat paved road course that takes runners around Mayfaire Town Center, with little road traffic.

This racecourse is also stroller & wheelchair friendly! However, dogs are not allowed on this course so please leave them at home or with a non-running spectator.

This year's race donates funds to three wonderful organizations that aid in the fight against breast cancer. The Pink Ribbon Project, Love is Bald and Going Beyond the Pink.


7:00 AM - Registration Opens

8:00 AM - 5K - Females Start

8:02 AM - 5K - Males Starts

8:07 AM - 1 Mile Starts

8:15 AM - Wilmington Surgical Associates Post Race Party

9:00 AM - Awards (time is approximate)

Click here for more information and to register.